Convert milliliters to liters
How many liters in a milliliter? 1 milliliter is equal to 0.001 liters, which is the conversion factor from milliliters to liters.Go ahead and convert your own value of ml to l in the converter below.
1 Milliliter
is equal to
10-3 l
If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for liters to milliliters
For other conversions in volume, use the volume conversion tool.
Facts about milliliter (ml)
A millilitre (ml) equals a thousandth of a litre, or 0,001 litre. The litre (spelled litre in Commonwealth English and liter in American English) is a unit of volume. There are two official symbols, the Latin letter el in both cases: l and L. The litre is not an SI unit but is accepted for use with the SI. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m³). See all conversions for milliliters here.
Facts about litre (l)
The litre (spelled litre in Commonwealth English and liter in American English) is a unit of volume. There are two official symbols, the Latin letter el in both cases: l and L. The litre is not an SI unit but is accepted for use with the SI. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m³). See all conversions for liters here.
General information about ml to l
Conversion category: | Volume |
SI standard unit for volume: | Cubic meter |
Related categories: | Area, Length, Pressure |
Other conversion pairs in volume
- Convert cups to gallon
- Convert cups to ounces
- Convert cups to pints
- Convert cups to quarts
- Convert gallons to ounces
- Convert gallons to cups
- Convert gallons to liters
- Convert gallons to pints
- Convert gallons to quarts
- Convert liters to milliliters
- Convert liters to gallons
- Convert milliliter to ounces
- Convert ounces to cups
- Convert ounces to gallons
- Convert ounces to milliliter
- Convert ounces to quart
- Convert pints to cups
- Convert pints to gallons
- Convert pints to quarts
- Convert quart to ounces
- Convert quarts to cups
- Convert quarts to gallons
- Convert quarts to pints