
Convert milliliters to liters

How many liters in a milliliter? 1 milliliter is equal to 0.001 liters, which is the conversion factor from milliliters to liters.
Go ahead and convert your own value of ml to l in the converter below.

is equal to
If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for liters to milliliters
For other conversions in volume, use the volume conversion tool.

Facts about milliliter (ml)

A millilitre (ml) equals a thousandth of a litre, or 0,001 litre. The litre (spelled litre in Commonwealth English and liter in American English) is a unit of volume. There are two official symbols, the Latin letter el in both cases: l and L. The litre is not an SI unit but is accepted for use with the SI. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m³). See all conversions for milliliters here.

Facts about litre (l)

The litre (spelled litre in Commonwealth English and liter in American English) is a unit of volume. There are two official symbols, the Latin letter el in both cases: l and L. The litre is not an SI unit but is accepted for use with the SI. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m³). See all conversions for liters here.

General information about ml to l

Conversion category:Volume
SI standard unit for volume:Cubic meter
Related categories:Area, Length, Pressure

Other conversion pairs in volume
